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Dogovor između Kine i Jordana protiv turske obaveštajne službe

Dogovor između Kine i Jordana protiv turske obaveštajne službe

El ministerio chino de la Seguridad del Estado (Guoanbu) y el General Intelligence Directorate de Jordania (GID) concluyeron un acuerdo de intercambio de información sobre los chinos presentes en Siria y en Irak. Las autoridades chinas consideran que el Milli Istihbarat Teskilati (MIT, servicios de inteligencia de Turquía) está movilizando uigures turcoparlantes, los entrena para que se unan a la yihad en Siria y en Irak y que los está enviando después a perpetrar atentados en (…)

NATO je spreman za nadgledanje zatvaranja tursko-sirijske granice

NATO je spreman za nadgledanje zatvaranja tursko-sirijske granice

Since the beginning of the war against Syria, Turkey has served as a rear base for mercenaries. In 2013, part of the border was erased and the Turkish government directly administered the Turkmen population of northern Syria. In March 2014, the Turkish…

Kraj nemačke politike uzdržavanja od nadgledanja savezničkih špijuna

Kraj nemačke politike uzdržavanja od nadgledanja savezničkih špijuna

The German government decided to put an end to the tacit agreement, established in 1945, through which it pledged to abstain from monitoring the espionnage activities on its soil of the British, French and U.S. intelligence agents. This decision comes …

Rusija proglašava vanredno stanje zbog priliva izbeglica

Rusija proglašava vanredno stanje zbog priliva izbeglica

Russia has declared a state of emergency in six provinces (the Oblasts of Rostov, Volgograd, and Astrakhan, the Krai of Stavropol, the Republic of Kalmykia and the city of Sebastopol) in the face of the acute influx of refugees. Since the uprising of t…

Hose Manuel Baroso treba da istupi pred Evropskim sudom

Hose Manuel Baroso treba da istupi pred Evropskim sudom

For the first time, a European Commission president is called to testify before the Court of the European Union in Luxembourg. In October 2012, it took Mr. Barroso a half hour to sweep his Health Commissioner, the Maltese John Dalli (photo), out of off…

OZHO je primio žalbu protiv upotrebe hemijskog naoružanja u Ukrajini

The Russian Federation has filed a complaint with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons after they were used by the Ukrainian armed forces against their civilian population. White phosphorus and chloropicrin have been deployed by the…

Značajan dogovor između Rusije i Sirije

Značajan dogovor između Rusije i Sirije

Velika ruska delegacija stigla je u Damask prošle nedelje. Bila je predvođena zamenikom premijera Dmitrijem Rogozinom i sastojala se od zamenika ministra finansija Sergeja Storčaka i Aleksandra Fomina, direktora federalne službe za vojno-tehničku saradnju. Rusko-sirijska međudržavna komisija se sastala u plenarnoj sednici kao i u radnim grupama u prijateljskoj i opuštenoj atmosferi. Zauzeta oko ukrajinske […]